Saturday, November 21, 2009


we are working on something really fun around here and i'm really excited about it. as those who came to blog camp 2.0 know, sabin invented these little one-eyed guys. with some help from my sister and a clever and creative friend of hers, we have dubbed them monocules©. and we are working on their story. and a whole product line. and i'm giddy. because it's totally a family project. sabin invented them and makes them, husband's spinning the story, my sister came up with the name and me, i'm the paparazzi, posing them fetchingly in the garden. it's a collaboration made in heaven. are they super cute or what? we'll be sharing their stories very soon.


Cyndy said...

Very cool. I see books, movies, toys, toys, toys! Maybe even McDonalds Happy Meal prizes! Seriously, they are adorable. I can't wait to hear their story...

MissBuckle said...

I Love them! Mine lives on the shelf, and Little Man is not allowed to touch.

Suecae Sounds said...

Cute and adorable. You are bringing out the child on you. And that is sweet! said...

I'm loving the monocules! Can't wait to read more about their adventures!

And great news... my photo's arrived and they're beautiful! Thank you so much! Now everybody else out there go to Etsy and buy Julochka's photos! You'll be glad you did!

spudballoo said...

How fun!! I love love love it. Love the new look MPC too, gworgeous. x

Char said...

i adore how you inspire the creative spirit in your girl

Pattern and Perspective said...

Cute. Now, if you could just make them say something - they'd be as popular as a Zhu Zhu hamster - which I don't get...but I'd buy yours over that any day:)

Marion Williams-Bennett said...

Love this! My daughter looked at the screen and loved them too - she is 9 and said the were really cute, the way that ugly dolls are cute!

What a happy project, time well spent!

rxBambi said...

Very very awesome. I love that it's a family project. Good luck with it! That is amazing.
Oh and kudos on the new look, I love it

Just Jules said...

I love the one looking up and to the side. I am excited to hear more.

Anonymous said...

what a creative family!

Liz Fulcher, The Fragrant Muse said...

Yes Yes Yes I can totally seeing these as the next phenomenon! Yeah Sabin! Yeah Far! Yea Mom!

Lisa-Marie said...

How cute! Sabin is obiously a talented wee poppet!

Polly said...

they are super cute indeed. do they live in the vicinity of those stones? are they like The Borrowers or more like Mumins? I can't wait to hear more...

WV: grand. and grand they are. who said size matters...